Celebrities Born on November 13th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on November 13th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Brent Kinsman
Born: November 13th 1997 in Los Angeles, United States
Caroline Goodall
Born: November 13th 1959 in London, England
Chris Noth
Born: November 13th 1954 in Madison, United States
Dack Rambo
Born: November 13th 1941 in Earlimart, United States
Devon Bostick
Born: November 13th 1991 in Toronto, Canada
Emma Raducanu
Born: November 13th 2002 in Toronto, Canada
Born: November 13th 1934 in New York City, United States
Gattlin Griffith
Born: November 13th 1998 in Los Angeles, United States
Gerard Butler
Born: November 13th 1969 in Glasgow, Scotland
Hermine Huntgeburth
Born: November 13th 1957 in Paderborn, Germany
Jack Elam
Born: November 13th 1918 in Miami, United States
Jimmy Kimmel
Born: November 13th 1967 in Brooklyn, United States
Joe Mantegna
Born: November 13th 1947 in Chicago, United States
John De Lancie
Born: November 13th 1948 in Philadelphia, United States
John DeSantis
Born: November 13th 1973 in Nanaimo, Canada
Jordan Bridges
Born: November 13th 1973 in Los Angeles County, United States
Kim Director
Born: November 13th 1974 in Miami, United States
Lia McHugh
Born: November 13th 2005 in Pittsburgh, United States
Michael Copon
Born: November 13th 1982 in Chesapeake, United States
Monique Coleman
Born: November 13th 1980 in Orangeburg, United States
Neil Flynn
Born: November 13th 1960 in Waukegan, United States
Noah Hathaway
Born: November 13th 1971 in Los Angeles, United States
Rahul Kohli
Born: November 13th 1985 in London, England
Richard Mulligan
Born: November 13th 1932 in The Bronx, United States
Robert Sterling
Born: November 13th 1917 in New Castle, United States
Stephen Full
Born: November 13th 1970 in Chicago, United States
Steve Zahn
Born: November 13th 1967 in Marshall, United States
Sydney Agudong
Born: November 13th 2000 in Kauai, United States
Tracy Scoggins
Born: November 13th 1953 in Galveston, United States
Whoopi Goldberg
Born: November 13th 1955 in New York City, United States

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