Celebrities Born on January 15th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on January 15th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alyssa Wapanatâhk
Born: January 15th 1998 in Fort McMurray, Canada
Andrea Martin - Lyceum Theatre 2019
Andrea Martin
Born: January 15th 1947 in Portland, United States
Chad Lowe
Born: January 15th 1968 in Dayton, United States
Darcy Tucker
Born: January 15th 1975 in Castor, Canada
Dove Cameron
Born: January 15th 1996 in Seattle, United States
Eddie Cahill
Born: January 15th 1978 in New York City, United States
Ernie Reyes Jr
Born: January 15th 1972 in San Jose, United States
Frank Thornton
Born: January 15th 1921 in Dulwich, England
Grace VanderWaal
Born: January 15th 2004 in Lenexa, United States
Jamie Clayton
Born: January 15th 1978 in San Diego, United States
Jessy Schram
Born: January 15th 1986 in Skokie, United States
Joanne Linville
Born: January 15th 1928 in Bakersfield, United States
Kellita Smith
Born: January 15th 1969 in Chicago, United States
Lloyd Bridges
Born: January 15th 1913 in San Leandro, United States
Mario Van Peebles
Born: January 15th 1957 in Mexico City, Mexico
Martin Luther King Jr.
Born: January 15th 1929 in Atlanta, United States
Natasia Demetriou
Born: January 15th 1984 in London, England
Phyllis Coates
Born: January 15th 1927 in Wichita Falls, United States
Regina King
Born: January 15th 1971 in Los Angeles, United States
Richard Franklin
Born: January 15th 1936 in Marylebone, London, England, England
Ryan Corr
Born: January 15th 1989 in Melbourne, Australia
Shane McMahon
Born: January 15th 1970 in Gaithersburg, United States

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