Celebrities Born on June 16th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on June 16th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Abby Elliott
Born: June 16th 1987 in New York City, United States
Adrienne McQueen
Born: June 16th 1983 in Frankfurt, Germany
Anna Cathcart
Born: June 16th 2003 in Vancouver, Canada
Arnold Vosloo
Born: June 16th 1962 in Pretoria, South Africa
Bill Cobbs
Born: June 16th 1934 in Cleveland, United States
Camila Morrone
Born: June 16th 1997 in Los Angeles, United States
Charlotte Kirk
Born: June 16th 1992 in Kent, England
Clifton Collins Jr
Born: June 16th 1970 in Los Angeles, United States
Daniel Brühl
Born: June 16th 1978 in Barcelona, Spain
Danny Burstein
Born: June 16th 1964 in New York City, United States
Eileen Atkins
Born: June 16th 1934 in Clapton, England
Geoffrey Pierson
Born: June 16th 1949 in Chicago, United States
Isaak Presley
Born: June 16th 2002 in Los Angeles, United States
James Bolam
Born: June 16th 1935 in Sunderland, England
James Patrick Stuart
Born: June 16th 1968 in Encino, United States
Jane Henson
Born: June 16th 1934 in Queens, United States
Jenny Shimizu
Born: June 16th 1967 in San Jose, United States
Jessica McNamee
Born: June 16th 1986 in Sydney, Australia
John Cho
Born: June 16th 1972 in Seoul, South Korea
Katherine Graham
Born: June 16th 1917 in New York City, United States
Laurie Metcalf
Born: June 16th 1955 in Carbondale, United States
Lorenzo Patterson
Born: June 16th 1969 in Compton, United States
Michael Culver
Born: June 16th 1938 in Hampstead, London, England
Missy Peregrym
Born: June 16th 1982 in Montreal, Canada
Mithun Chakraborty
Born: June 16th 1950 in Calcutta, India
Sibel Kekilli
Born: June 16th 1980 in Heilbronn, West Germany
Suzan Farmer
Born: June 16th 1942 in Kent, England
Tom Lenk
Born: June 16th 1976 in Westlake Village, United States
Tupac Shakur
Born: June 16th 1971 in East Harlem, United States
Verónica Echegui
Born: June 16th 1983 in Madrid, Spain

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