Celebrities Born on October 21st

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on October 21st. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Amber Rose
Born: October 21st 1983 in Philadelphia, United States
Andrew Scott
Born: October 21st 1976 in Dublin, Ireland
Carrie Fisher
Born: October 21st 1956 in Beverly Hills, United States
Charlotte Sullivan
Born: October 21st 1983 in Toronto, Canada
Doja Cat
Born: October 21st 1995 in Los Angeles, United States
Elliot Cowan
Born: October 21st 1976 in London, England
Glen Powell
Born: October 21st 1988 in Austin, United States
Hari Nef
Born: October 21st 1992 in Philadelphia, United States
Helene Joy
Born: October 21st 1978 in Perth, Australia
Jaclyn Jose
Born: October 21st 1963 in Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines
Joyce Randolph
Born: October 21st 1924 in Detroit, United States
Kane Brown
Born: October 21st 1993 in Chattanooga, United States
Ken Watanabe
Born: October 21st 1959 in Uonuma, Japan
Kim Kardashian
Born: October 21st 1980 in Los Angeles, United States
Lux Interior
Born: October 21st 1946 in Stow, United States
Melora Walters
Born: October 21st 1968 in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Patti Davis
Born: October 21st 1952 in Los Angeles, United States
Tom Everett
Born: October 21st 1948 in Portland, United States
Tony Ganios
Born: October 21st 1959 in Buffalo, United States

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