Celebrities Born on January 25th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on January 25th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alexandra Turshen
Born: January 25th 1986 in New York City, United States
Ana Ortiz
Born: January 25th 1971 in Manhattan, United States
Ariana DeBose
Born: January 25th 1991 in Raleigh, United States
Born: January 25th 2005 in Union City, United States
Bill Turnbull
Born: January 25th 1956 in Surrey, England
Christine Lakin
Born: January 25th 1979 in Dallas, United States
Dinah Manoff
Born: January 25th 1958 in New York City, United States
Etta James
Born: January 25th 1938 in Los Angeles, United States
Gregory Sierra
Born: January 25th 1937 in New York City, United States
Jack Axelrod
Born: January 25th 1930 in Los Angeles, United States
Jack Snow
Born: January 25th 1943 in Rock Springs, United States
Jenifer Lewis
Born: January 25th 1957 in St. Louis, United States
John Raitt
Born: January 25th 1917 in Santa Ana, United States
John Terry
Born: January 25th 1950 in Vero Beach, United States
Leigh Taylor-Young
Born: January 25th 1945 in Washington, United States
Mia Kirshner
Born: January 25th 1975 in Toronto, Canada
Michela De Rossi
Born: January 25th 1993 in Rome, Italy
Morgane Stapleton
Born: January 25th 1983 in Nashville, United States
Pauline Chalamet
Born: January 25th 1992 in New York City, United States
Shawna Waldron
Born: January 25th 1982 in Glendale, United States
Tati Gabrielle
Born: January 25th 1996 in Bay Area, United States
Virginia Woolf
Born: January 25th 1882 in Kensington, London, England

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