Celebrities Born on April 26th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on April 26th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Amber Midthunder
Born: April 26th 1997 in Santa Fe, United States
Carol Burnett
Born: April 26th 1933 in San Antonio, United States
Channing Tatum
Born: April 26th 1980 in Cullman, United States
Charlotte Cornwell
Born: April 26th 1949 in Marylebone, London, England
Debra Wilson
Born: April 26th 1962 in Queens, United States
Dominic Sena
Born: April 26th 1949 in Niles, United States
Donald Sterling
Born: April 26th 1934 in Chicago, United States
Emily Wickersham
Born: April 26th 1984 in Wichita, United States
Eric Campbell
Born: April 26th 1879 in Sale, England
Giancarlo Esposito
Born: April 26th 1958 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Ivana Milicevic
Born: April 26th 1974 in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
Jason Earles
Born: April 26th 1977 in San Diego, United States
Jemima Kirke
Born: April 26th 1985 in London, England
Jet Li
Born: April 26th 1963 in Beijing, China
Jordana Brewster
Born: April 26th 1980 in Panama City, Panama
Kevin James
Born: April 26th 1965 in Stony Brook, United States
Luke Bracey
Born: April 26th 1989 in Sydney, Australia
Marianne Jean-Baptiste
Born: April 26th 1967 in London, England
Marnette Patterson
Born: April 26th 1980 in Los Angeles, United States
Melania Trump
Born: April 26th 1970 in Novo Mesto, Slovenia
Pablo Schreiber
Born: April 26th 1978 in Ymir, Canada
Ron Donachie
Born: April 26th 1956 in Dundee, Scotland
Stana Katic
Born: April 26th 1978 in Hamilton, Canada
Born: April 26th 1970 in Des Moines, United States
Tammy Horton
Born: April 26th 1982 in Welland, Canada
Tom Welling
Born: April 26th 1977 in New York City, United States

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