Celebrities Born on July 26th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on July 26th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Barbara Jefford
Born: July 26th 1930 in Plymstock, England
Blake Edwards
Born: July 26th 1922 in Tulsa, United States
Chez Starbuck
Born: July 26th 1982 in Lakewood, United States
Elizabeth Gillies
Born: July 26th 1993 in Haworth, United States
Ellen Latzen
Born: July 26th 1980 in Los Angeles, United States
Eve Myles
Born: July 26th 1978 in Ystradgynlais, Wales
Gracie Allen
Born: July 26th 1895 in San Francisco, United States
Helen Mirren-2208
Helen Mirren
Born: July 26th 1945 in Chiswick, England
James Best
Born: July 26th 1926 in Powderly, United States
Jan Berenstain
Born: July 26th 1923 in Philadelphia, United States
Jason Robards
Born: July 26th 1922 in Chicago, United States
Jeremy Piven
Born: July 26th 1965 in New York City, United States
Juliet Rylance
Born: July 26th 1979 in Hammersmith, England
Kate Beckinsale
Born: July 26th 1973 in London, England
Kevin Spacey
Born: July 26th 1959 in South Orange, United States
Logan Riley Bruner
Born: July 26th 1997 in New York City, United States
Mageina Tovah
Born: July 26th 1979 in Honolulu, United States
Marjorie Lord
Born: July 26th 1918 in San Francisco, United States
Mick Jagger
Born: July 26th 1943 in Dartford, England
Nana Visitor
Born: July 26th 1957 in New York City, United States
Noelle Bush
Born: July 26th 1977 in Dallas, United States
Olivia Williams
Born: July 26th 1968 in Camden Town, England
Sandra Bullock(cannesPhotoCall)
Sandra Bullock
Born: July 26th 1964 in Arlington, United States
Stanley Kubrick
Born: July 26th 1928 in New York City, United States
Susan George
Born: July 26th 1950 in London, England
Taylor Momsen
Born: July 26th 1993 in St. Louis, United States
Thomasin McKenzie
Born: July 26th 2000 in Wellington, New Zealand

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