Celebrities Born on June 28th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on June 28th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Aileen Quinn
Born: June 28th 1971 in Yardley, United States
Alessandro Nivola
Born: June 28th 1972 in Boston, United States
Born: June 28th 1954 in Upington, South Africa
Ayelet Zurer
Born: June 28th 1969 in Tel Aviv, Israel
Benito Martinez
Born: June 28th 1971 in Albuquerque, United States
Brendan Hunt
Born: June 28th 1972 in Chicago, United States
Bruce Davison
Born: June 28th 1946 in Philadelphia, United States
Camille Guaty
Born: June 28th 1978 in California, United States
Elon Musk
Born: June 28th 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa
Felicia Day
Born: June 28th 1979 in Huntsville, United States
Gil Bellows
Born: June 28th 1967 in Vancouver, Canada
Gilda Radner
Born: June 28th 1946 in Detroit, United States
Jessica Hecht
Born: June 28th 1965 in Princeton, United States
John Cusack
Born: June 28th 1966 in Evanston, United States
Kathy Bates
Born: June 28th 1948 in Memphis, United States
Laurel Griggs
Born: June 28th 2006 in Manhattan, United States
Laurie Agard
Born: June 28th 1966 in Topeka, United States
Mary Stuart Masterson
Born: June 28th 1966 in New York City, United States
Maya Stojan
Born: June 28th 1986 in Geneva, Switzerland
Mel Brooks
Born: June 28th 1926 in Brooklyn, United States
Mike White
Born: June 28th 1970 in Pasadena, United States
Niamh Algar
Born: June 28th 1992 in Mullingar, Ireland
Pat Morita
Born: June 28th 1932 in Isleton, United States
Raffaella De Laurentiis
Born: June 28th 1954 in Milan, Italy
Richard Bright
Born: June 28th 1937 in Brooklyn, United States
Rio Hackford
Born: June 28th 1970 in Los Angeles County, United States
Stan Bowman
Born: June 28th 1973 in Montreal, Canada
Steve Burton
Born: June 28th 1970 in Indianapolis, United States
Tichina Arnold
Born: June 28th 1969 in Queens, United States

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