Celebrities Born in Idaho

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in Idaho. If you notice that we missed someone famous from Idaho, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Aaron Paul
Born: August 27th 1979 in Emmett, Idaho
Danielle Aravich
Born: July 9th 1999 in Boise, Idaho
Ezra Pound
Born: October 30th 1885 in Hailey, Idaho
J. D. Cannon
Born: April 24th 1922 in Salmon, Idaho
Kristine Sutherland
Born: April 17th 1955 in Boise, Idaho
Lana Turner
Born: February 8th 1921 in Wallace, Idaho
Lillian Disney
Born: February 15th 1899 in Spalding, Idaho
Lloyd M. Bucher
Born: September 1st 1927 in Pocatello, Idaho
Norma Zimmer
Born: July 13th 1923 in Larson, Idaho
Rayne Guest
Born: October 16th 1979 in Tamarack Falls, Idaho
Sarah Palin
Born: February 11th 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho

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