José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori (born September 15, 1830 in Oaxaca, Mexico) was a military personnel and politician who was best known for serving seven terms as President of Mexico. He served for a total of 31 years, from 28 November 1876 to 6 December 1876, 17 February 1877 to 1 December 1880 and from 1 December 1884 to 25 May 1911. Porfirio died on July 2, 1915 and his death was because of natural causes. He died at age 84.
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Military PersonnelPolitician Mexican Born on September 15th Born in 1830 Died in 1915 Died at age 84 Died from Natural causes
"They tole me that Soylent Green is people but I love a good Italian,"
"He believed in democracy and in the possibilities of the poor but preferred to spend lavishly. (V)"
"Porfirio Díaz lived a remarkable life as a military leader, statesman, and president of Mexico, leaving behind a legacy that greatly impacted the country's history and development. Despite controversies and challenges during his rule, his dedication and vision for a modern and prosperous Mexico continue to be remembered and honored. His legacy lives on, inspiring future generations to continue the pursuit of progress and prosperity for their nation. (V)"
Is Mr. Porfirio Díaz still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-04-20 00:43:07
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Porfirio Díaz on Wikipedia
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