Celebrities Born on September 10th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on September 10th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alice Hewkin
Born: September 10th 1999 in London, England
Amy Irving
Born: September 10th 1953 in Palo Alto, United States
Arnold Palmer
Born: September 10th 1929 in Latrobe, United States
Colin Firth
Born: September 10th 1960 in Grayshott, England
David Trueba
Born: September 10th 1969 in Madrid, Spain
Dick Costolo
Born: September 10th 1963 in Royal Oak, United States
Elyse Levesque
Born: September 10th 1985 in Regina, United States
Erin Darke
Born: September 10th 1984 in Flint, United States
Evan Austin
Born: September 10th 1992 in Terre Haute, United States
Guy Ritchie
Born: September 10th 1968 in Hatfield, England
Harry Treadaway
Born: September 10th 1984 in Exeter, England
Jacob Young
Born: September 10th 1979 in Renton, United States
Jim Meskimen
Born: September 10th 1959 in Los Angeles, United States
Johnathon Schaech
Born: September 10th 1969 in Edgewood, United States
Kate Burton
Born: September 10th 1957 in Geneva, Switzerland
Margaret Trudeau
Born: September 10th 1948 in Vancouver, Canada
Matt Rife
Born: September 10th 1995 in Columbus, United States
Northern Calloway
Born: September 10th 1948 in New York City, United States
Philip Baker Hall
Born: September 10th 1931 in Toledo, United States
Robert Wise
Born: September 10th 1914 in Winchester, United States
Ryan Phillippe
Born: September 10th 1974 in New Castle, United States
Sarah Levy
Born: September 10th 1986 in Toronto, Canada
Sebastian Gutierrez
Born: September 10th 1974 in Caracas, Venezuela
Stacey Nelkin
Born: September 10th 1959 in New York City, United States

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