Celebrities Born on October 12th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on October 12th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Adam Rich
Born: October 12th 1968 in Brooklyn, United States
Brett Cooper
Born: October 12th 2001 in Los Angeles, United States
Brigitte Lahaie
Born: October 12th 1955 in Tourcoing, France
Calum Scott
Born: October 12th 1988 in Kingston upon Hull, England
Carlos Bernard
Born: October 12th 1962 in Evanston, United States
Chris Wallace
Born: October 12th 1947 in Chicago, United States
Ferdia Walsh-Peelo
Born: October 12th 1999 in Ashford, Ireland
Hiroyuki Sanada
Born: October 12th 1960 in Tokyo, Japan
Hugh Jackman
Born: October 12th 1968 in Sydney, Australia
Iris Apatow
Born: October 12th 2002 in Los Banos, United States
Josh Hutcherson
Born: October 12th 1992 in Union, United States
Kirk Cameron
Born: October 12th 1970 in Panorama City, United States
Les Dennis
Born: October 12th 1953 in Lancashire, England
Lin Shaye
Born: October 12th 1943 in Detroit, United States
Luciano Pavarotti
Born: October 12th 1935 in Modena, Italy
Marcus T Paulk
Born: October 12th 1986 in Los Angeles County, United States
Melvin Franklin
Born: October 12th 1942 in Montgomery, United States
Ruth Gemmell
Born: October 12th 1967 in Bristol, England
Susan Anton
Born: October 12th 1950 in Oak Glen, United States
Tara Newley Arkle
Born: October 12th 1963 in New York City, United States
Tom Guiry
Born: October 12th 1981 in Trenton, United States
Tony Cavalero
Born: October 12th 1983 in Annandale, United States

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