Celebrities Born on February 14th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on February 14th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Abigail Ochse
Born: February 14th 1985 in Washington, United States
Andrew Robinson
Born: February 14th 1942 in New York City, United States
Bradley James Allan
Born: February 14th 1973 in Melbourne, Australia
Brian Kelly
Born: February 14th 1931 in Detroit, United States
Danai Gurira
Born: February 14th 1978 in Grinnell, United States
Enrico Colantoni
Born: February 14th 1963 in Toronto, Canada
Erica Leerhsen
Born: February 14th 1976 in New York City, United States
Florence Henderson
Born: February 14th 1934 in Dale, United States
Freddie Highmore
Born: February 14th 1992 in London, England
Gregory Hines
Born: February 14th 1946 in New York City, United States
Hugh Downs
Born: February 14th 1921 in Akron, United States
Jake Lacy
Born: February 14th 1985 in Greenfield, United States
Joe Pichler
Born: February 14th 1987 in Bremerton, United States
Joe Pichler
Born: February 14th 1987 in Bremerton, United States
Karima McAdams
Born: February 14th 1985 in London, England
Kristen Dalton
Born: February 14th 1973 in San Diego County, United States
Lois Maxwell
Born: February 14th 1927 in Kitchener, Canada
Madison Iseman
Born: February 14th 1997 in Myrtle Beach, United States
Margarita Lozano
Born: February 14th 1931 in Tetuan, Spain
Meg Tilly
Born: February 14th 1960 in Los Angeles County, United States
Merl Saunders
Born: February 14th 1934 in San Mateo, United States
Najwa Nimri
Born: February 14th 1972 in Pamplona, Spain
Rie Rasmussen
Born: February 14th 1976 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Sayeed Shahidi
Born: February 14th 2003 in Minneapolis, United States
Simon Pegg
Born: February 14th 1970 in Gloucester, England
Stephanie Leonidas
Born: February 14th 1984 in London, England
Born: February 14th 1948 in Philadelphia, United States
Vic Morrow
Born: February 14th 1929 in The Bronx, United States
Zach Galligan
Born: February 14th 1964 in New York City, United States

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