Celebrities Born on July 14th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on July 14th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Barbara Turner
Born: July 14th 1936 in New York, United States
Bebe Buell
Born: July 14th 1953 in Portsmouth, United States
Bergen Williams
Born: July 14th 1959 in Inglewood, United States
Conor McGregor
Born: July 14th 1988 in Dublin, Ireland
Dan Reynolds
Born: July 14th 1987 in Las Vegas, United States
Gerald Ford
Born: July 14th 1913 in Omaha, United States
Harry Dean Stanton
Born: July 14th 1926 in West Irvine, United States
Ingmar Bergman
Born: July 14th 1918 in Uppsala, Sweden
Jackie Earle Haley
Born: July 14th 1961 in Northridge, United States
Jamey Johnson
Born: July 14th 1975 in Enterprise, United States
Jane Lynch
Born: July 14th 1960 in Dolton, United States
Lynn Loring
Born: July 14th 1943 in Manhattan, United States
Matthew Fox
Born: July 14th 1966 in Abington, United States
Nick Benedict
Born: July 14th 1946 in Los Angeles, United States
Nina Siemaszko
Born: July 14th 1970 in Chicago, United States
Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Born: July 14th 1985 in London, England
Robert Stephens
Born: July 14th 1931 in Bristol, England
Rosie Grier
Born: July 14th 1932 in Cuthbert, United States
Sean Flynn
Born: July 14th 1989 in Los Angeles, United States
Sid Haig
Born: July 14th 1939 in Fresno, United States
Teri Reeves
Born: July 14th 1981 in Alameda County, United States
William Hanna
Born: July 14th 1910 in Melrose, United States

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