Celebrities Born on October 16th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on October 16th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Angela Lansbury
Born: October 16th 1925 in London, England
Angry Grandpa
Born: October 16th 1950 in Chatham County, United States
Barry Corbin
Born: October 16th 1940 in Lamesa, United States
Bob Weir
Born: October 16th 1947 in San Francisco, United States
Britt Baron
Born: October 16th 1991 in White Plains, United States
David Zucker
Born: October 16th 1947 in Milwaukee, United States
Eileen Ryan
Born: October 16th 1928 in New York City, United States
Born: October 16th 1962 in Melbourne, Australia
Giada Colagrande
Born: October 16th 1975 in Pescara, Italy
Keleigh Sperry
Born: October 16th 1992 in Orange County, United States
Kellie Martin
Born: October 16th 1975 in Riverside, United States
Kim Wayans
Born: October 16th 1961 in New York City, United States
Lisa Bonder
Born: October 16th 1965 in Columbus, United States
Michael Tylo
Born: October 16th 1948 in Detroit, United States
Morgan Stevens
Born: October 16th 1951 in Knoxville, United States
Naomi Osaka
Born: October 16th 1997 in Osaka, Japan
Oscar Wilde
Born: October 16th 1854 in Dublin, Ireland
Paul Sparks
Born: October 16th 1971 in Lawton, United States
Rayne Guest
Born: October 16th 1979 in Tamarack Falls, United States
Suzanne Somers
Born: October 16th 1946 in San Bruno, United States
Tim Robbins
Born: October 16th 1958 in West Covina, United States
Todd Stashwick
Born: October 16th 1968 in Chicago, United States

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