Celebrities Born on February 19th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on February 19th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Adreian Payne
Born: February 19th 1991 in Dayton, United States
Arielle Kebbel
Arielle Kebbel
Born: February 19th 1985 in Winter Park, United States
Bellamy Young
Born: February 19th 1970 in Asheville, United States
Benicio Del Toro
Born: February 19th 1967 in Santurce, United States
Big John Studd
Born: February 19th 1948 in Butler, United States
Cecilia Hart
Born: February 19th 1948 in Cheyenne, United States
Born: February 19th 1957 in Vienna, Austria
Jeff Daniels
Born: February 19th 1955 in Athens, United States
Jessica Tuck
Born: February 19th 1963 in New York City, United States
Jill Krementz
Born: February 19th 1940 in Morristown, United States
Justine Bateman
Born: February 19th 1966 in Rye, United States
Margot Bennett
Born: February 19th 1935 in Woodmere, United States
Michael Nader
Born: February 19th 1945 in St. Louis, United States
Millie Bobby Brown
Born: February 19th 2004 in Marbella, Spain
Miss Benny
Born: February 19th 1999 in Dallas, United States
Ophelia Lovibond
Born: February 19th 1986 in London, England
Prince Andrew
Born: February 19th 1960 in London, England
Ray Winstone
Born: February 19th 1957 in Hackney, England
Sam Reid
Born: February 19th 1987 in Rural, Australia
Born: February 19th 1963 in Paddington-London, England
Tony Iommi
Born: February 19th 1948 in Birmingham, England
Victoria Justice
Born: February 19th 1993 in Hollywood, United States

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