Celebrities Born on March 28th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on March 28th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Albert S. Ruddy
Born: March 28th 1930 in Montreal, Canada
Alexandra Billings
Born: March 28th 1962 in Schaumburg, United States
Annabelle Davis
Born: March 28th 1997 in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England
Brett Ratner
Born: March 28th 1969 in Miami Beach, United States
Conchata Ferrell
Born: March 28th 1943 in Charleston, United States
Dianne Wiest
Born: March 28th 1948 in Kansas City, United States
Ian Ousley
Born: March 28th 2002 in College Station, United States
Jimmy Wang Yu
Born: March 28th 1944 in Wuxi, China
Julia Stiles
Born: March 28th 1981 in New York City, United States
Kate Gosselin
Born: March 28th 1975 in Philadelphia, United States
Ken Howard
Born: March 28th 1944 in El Centro, United States
Kevin Lloyd
Born: March 28th 1949 in Derby, England
Lady Gaga
Born: March 28th 1986 in New York City, United States
Michael Wayans
Born: March 28th 1985 in Los Angeles County, United States
Nick Frost
Born: March 28th 1972 in Essex, England
Orla Brady
Born: March 28th 1961 in Dublin, Ireland
Reba McEntire
Born: March 28th 1955 in Kiowa, United States
Shanna Moakler
Born: March 28th 1975 in Providence, United States
Vince Vaughn
Born: March 28th 1970 in Minneapolis, United States

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