Celebrities Born in North Dakota

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in North Dakota. If you notice that we missed someone famous from North Dakota, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Alan Ritchson
Born: November 28th 1984 in Grand Forks, North Dakota
Angie Dickinson police woman 1975
Angie Dickinson
Born: September 30th 1931 in Kulm, North Dakota
Ann Sothern
Born: January 22nd 1909 in Valley City, North Dakota
Harvey Carignan
Born: May 18th 1927 in Fargo, North Dakota
Josh Duhamel
Born: November 14th 1972 in Minot, North Dakota
Leslie Bibb
Born: November 17th 1974 in Bismarck, North Dakota
Leslie Stefanson
Born: May 10th 1971 in Fargo, North Dakota
Peggy Lee
Born: May 26th 1920 in Jamestown, North Dakota
Victoria Duffy
Born: October 10th 1967 in Fargo, North Dakota
Wiz Khalifa
Born: September 8th 1987 in Minot, North Dakota

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