Celebrities Who Died from Assassination

This is a summary the celebrities who were died from Assassination. If you notice that we missed a famous person who passed away from Assassination, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Harvey Milk
Died: November 27th 1978 in San Francisco, United States
John F. Kennedy
Died: November 22nd 1963 in Parkland Health, Dallas, United States
Mahatma Gandhi
Died: January 30th 1948 in Birla House, New Delhi, India
Malcolm X
Died: February 21st 1965 in New York City, United States
Martin Luther King Jr.
Died: April 4th 1968 in Memphis, United States
Robert F. Kennedy
Died: June 6th 1968 in Los Angeles, United States
William McKinley
Died: September 14th 1901 in Buffalo, United States
Yitzhak Rabin
Died: November 4th 1995 in Tel Aviv, Israel

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