Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (born September 26, 1849 in Ryazan, Russia) was a physician who was best known for his discovery of classical conditioning through his experiments with dogs including the concept of the conditional reflex titled the "Pavlovian response." Ivan died on February 27, 1936 and his death was because of bilateral pneumonia. He died at age 86.
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PhysicianRussian Born on September 26th Born in 1849 Died in 1936 Died at age 86 Died from Pneumonia
"After many years of careful study, Ivan Pavlov was able to identify the four stimuli that cause animals to salivate. These stimuli were breakfast, exercise, a food that would make them sick, and a new animal. After consistently administering these four stimuli to his animals, he was able to predict their next move and learn how to get them to salivate in anticipation of food. (V)"
"Ivan Pavlov's groundbreaking research on classical conditioning has forever changed our understanding of human behavior, cementing his legacy as one of the most influential psychologists in history. (V)"
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-04-25 16:43:08
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Ivan Pavlov on Wikipedia
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