Phil Hartman (born September 24th, 1948 in Brantford, Ontario) was a Film Actor who was best known for being on "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) in the early days. Philip died on May 28th, 1998 and his death was because he was murdered by his wife Brynn. He was only 49 years old.
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Film ActorCanadian Born on September 24th Born in 1948 Born in Ontario Died in 1998 Died at age 49 Died from Murder
"Originality is nothing but a sneaky job of imitation."
"Damn it hurts when someone shoots you in the neck."
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky. "
"I'm 49-years-old and I'm cautious of the fact that very few people in comedy have careers after age 50. I think there's a notion in our society, and it maybe valid, that people aren't as funny when they get older. It's a stigma still attached to the rebelliousness of youth. I do believe that sooner or later I'll get those great roles like Gary Sinise's part in Forrest Gump (1994) or Tommy Lee Jones' as Two-Face in Batman Forever (1995)." (IMDB)
"I said to the cashier,I don't know what size my inseam is and I don't think it's relevant, I'm just trying to take care of buying this fish food for my aquarium."
"I thought it meant something but now I think it meant nothing."
"Phil Hartman's life was full of laughter and talent, bringing joy to audiences with his unforgettable characters and impeccable comedic timing. Despite his untimely passing, he will always be remembered as a beloved and incredibly talented performer. (V)"
Is Mr. Phil Hartman still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-01-07 16:43:06
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Phil Hartman on Wikipedia
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