Celebrities Born on June 24th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on June 24th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Amber Rose Revah
Born: June 24th 1986 in London, England
Beanie Feldstein
Born: June 24th 1993 in Los Angeles, United States
Carla Gallo
Born: June 24th 1975 in Brooklyn, United States
Carolina Miranda
Born: June 24th 1989 in Irapuato, Mexico
Dan Gilroy
Born: June 24th 1959 in Santa Monica, United States
Erin Moriarty
Born: June 24th 1994 in New York City, United States
Georg Stanford Brown
Born: June 24th 1943 in Havana, Cuba
Harris Dickinson
Born: June 24th 1996 in Leytonstone, England
Iain Glen
Born: June 24th 1961 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Liane Balaban
Born: June 24th 1980 in North York, Canada
Lionel Messi
Born: June 24th 1987 in Rosario, Argentina
Lotte Verbeek
Born: June 24th 1982 in Venlo, Netherlands
Mary Holland
Born: June 24th 1985 in Galax, United States
Michele Lee
Born: June 24th 1942 in Los Angeles, United States
Mick Fleetwood
Born: June 24th 1947 in Redruth, England
Mindy Kaling
Born: June 24th 1979 in Cambridge, United States
Minka Kelly
Born: June 24th 1980 in Los Angeles, United States
Nancy Allen
Born: June 24th 1950 in New York City, United States
Pete Hamill
Born: June 24th 1935 in Brooklyn, United States
Peter Shaw
Born: June 24th 1918 in Reading, Berkshire, England
Peter Weller
Born: June 24th 1947 in Stevens Point, United States
Phil Harris
Born: June 24th 1904 in Linton, United States
Richard Lumsden
Born: June 24th 1965 in Lancashire, England
Robert Downey Sr.
Born: June 24th 1936 in New York City, United States
Sheetal Sheth
Born: June 24th 1976 in Phillipsburg, United States
Sherry Stringfield
Born: June 24th 1967 in Colorado Springs, United States
Tommy Tiny Lister
Born: June 24th 1958 in Pine Bluff, United States
Vanessa Ray
Born: June 24th 1981 in Alameda County, United States

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