Celebrities Born in 1904

This is a summary the celebs who were born in 1904. If you notice that we missed a celebrity birth, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Cary Grant
Born: January 18th 1904 in Horfield, England
Charles Rogers
Born: August 13th 1904 in Olathe, United States
Deng Xiaoping
Born: August 22nd 1904 in Guang''An, China
Dick Powell
Born: November 14th 1904 in Mountain View, United States
Doris Packer
Born: May 30th 1904 in Menominee, United States
Dr. Seuss
Born: February 2nd 1904 in Springfield, United States
Greer Garson
Born: September 29th 1904 in Manor Park, London, England
Joan Crawford
Born: March 23rd 1904 in San Antonio, United States
John Gielgud
Born: April 14th 1904 in South Kensington, London, England
Nnamdi Azikiwe
Born: November 16th 1904 in Zungeru, Nigeria
Peter Lorre
Born: June 26th 1904 in Ružomberok, Slovakia
Phil Harris
Born: June 24th 1904 in Linton, United States
Ralph Bellamy
Born: June 17th 1904 in Chicago, United States

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