Celebrities Who Died in 1977

This is a summary list of the famous people that passed away in 1977. If you notice that we missed a celebrity that died in 1977, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Bing Crosby
Died: October 14th 1977 in Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
Charlie Chaplin
Died: December 25th 1977 in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland
Elvis Presley
Died: August 16th 1977 in Memphis, United States
Fannie Lou Hamer
Died: March 14th 1977 in Mound Bayou, United States
Freddie Prinze
Died: January 29th 1977 in Los Angeles, United States
Groucho Marx
Died: August 19th 1977 in Los Angeles, United States
Gummo Marx
Died: April 21st 1977 in Palm Springs, United States
Joan Crawford
Died: May 10th 1977 in New York City, United States
Matthew Garber
Died: June 13th 1977 in Hampstead, London, England
Stanley Adams
Died: April 27th 1977 in Santa Monica, United States

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