Celebrities Who Died in 1990

This is a summary list of the famous people that passed away in 1990. If you notice that we missed a celebrity that died in 1990, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Alan Hale
Died: January 2nd 1990 in Los Angeles, United States
Ava Gardner
Died: January 25th 1990 in London, England
Barbara Stanwyck
Died: January 20th 1990 in Santa Monica, United States
Died: March 17th 1990 in Lausanne, Switzerland
David White
Died: November 27th 1990 in Los Angeles, United States
Glennis Dickhouse
Died: December 11th 1990 in Hou, United States
Greta Garbo
Died: April 15th 1990 in New York City, United States
Irene Dunne
Died: September 4th 1990 in Los Angeles, United States
Jill Ireland
Died: May 18th 1990 in Malibu, United States
Jim Henson
Died: May 16th 1990 in New York City, United States
Northern Calloway
Died: January 9th 1990 in Ossining, United States
Ralph Abernathy
Died: April 17th 1990 in Atlanta, United States
Roald Dahl
Died: November 23rd 1990 in Oxford, United Kingdom
Rusty Hamer
Died: January 18th 1990 in DeRidder, United States
Sammy Davis Jr
Died: May 16th 1990 in Beverly Hills, United States

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