Celebrities Born on August 2nd

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on August 2nd. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alice Evans
Born: August 2nd 1971 in Bristol, England
Angell Conwell
Born: August 2nd 1983 in Orangeburg, United States
Beatrice Straight
Born: August 2nd 1914 in Old Westbury, United States
Bridgid Coulter
Born: August 2nd 1968 in Alameda County, United States
Britt Lower
Born: August 2nd 1985 in Heyworth, United States
Carroll O’Connor
Born: August 2nd 1924 in The Bronx, United States
Cynthia Stevenson
Born: August 2nd 1962 in Piedmont, United States
Doris Coley
Born: August 2nd 1941 in Goldsboro, United States
Edward Furlong
Born: August 2nd 1977 in Glendale, United States
Jacinda Barrett
Born: August 2nd 1972 in Brisbane, Australia
James Baldwin
Born: August 2nd 1924 in New York City, United States
Joanna Cassidy
Born: August 2nd 1945 in Haddonfield, United States
Kevin Smith
Born: August 2nd 1970 in Red Bank, United States
Lily Gladstone
Born: August 2nd 1986 in Kalispell, United States
Lisa Brown
Born: August 2nd 1954 in Kansas City, United States
Mary-Louise Parker by Gage Skidmore
Mary-Louise Parker
Born: August 2nd 1964 in Fort Jackson, United States
Myrna Loy
Born: August 2nd 1905 in Radersburg, United States
Nadia Bjorlin
Born: August 2nd 1980 in Newport, United States
Nehemiah Persoff
Born: August 2nd 1919 in Jerusalem, Palestine
Peter O Toole
Born: August 2nd 1932 in Connemara, Ireland
Sam Worthington
Born: August 2nd 1976 in Godalming- Surrey, England
Sara Foster
Born: August 2nd 1981 in Los Angeles, United States
Victoria Jackson
Born: August 2nd 1959 in Miami, United States
Wes Craven
Born: August 2nd 1939 in Cleveland, United States
Zuleyka Silver
Born: August 2nd 1991 in Tijuana, Mexico

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