Celebrities Born on February 4th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on February 4th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Ben Robson
Born: February 4th 1984 in Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Bernard Kalb
Born: February 4th 1922 in New York City, United States
Betty Friedan
Born: February 4th 1921 in Peoria, United States
Brandon Hall
Born: February 4th 1985 in Fort Worth, United States
Brandy looking hot
Brandy Ledford
Born: February 4th 1969 in Denver, United States
Byron Nelson
Born: February 4th 1912 in Waxahachie, United States
Colette Kilroy
Born: February 4th 1960 in Hoboken, United States
Conrad Bain
Born: February 4th 1923 in Lethbridge, Canada
Curtis Salgado
Born: February 4th 1954 in Everett, United States
Ida Lupino
Born: February 4th 1918 in Herne Hill, London, England
Janet Waldo
Born: February 4th 1920 in Yakima, United States
John Gordon Sinclair
Born: February 4th 1962 in Glasgow, England
John Schuck
Born: February 4th 1940 in Boston, United States
Lewis Tan
Born: February 4th 1987 in Manchester, England
Michael Ryan
Born: February 4th 1969 in Long Beach, United States
Natalie Imbruglia
Born: February 4th 1975 in Sydney, Australia
Patricio Castillo
Born: February 4th 1939 in Santiago, Chile
Rob Corddry
Born: February 4th 1971 in Weymouth, United States
Rosa Parks
Born: February 4th 1913 in Tuskegee, United States
Tabitha Brown
Born: February 4th 1979 in Eden, United States

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