Celebrities Born on September 4th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on September 4th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Anthony Weiner
Born: September 4th 1964 in New York City, United States
Born: September 4th 1981 in Houston, United States
Bob Jenkins
Born: September 4th 1947 in Richmond, United States
Craig Claiborne
Born: September 4th 1920 in Sunflower, United States
Damon Wayans
Born: September 4th 1960 in New York City, United States
Dick York
Born: September 4th 1928 in Fort Wayne, United States
Howard Morris
Born: September 4th 1919 in The Bronx, United States
Ione Skye
Born: September 4th 1971 in Hertfordshire, England
Jason David Frank
Born: September 4th 1973 in Covina, United States
John DiMaggio
Born: September 4th 1968 in North Plainfield, United States
Kali Majors
Born: September 4th 1999 in Kern County, United States
Khandi Alexander
Born: September 4th 1957 in New York City, United States
Livia Giuggioli
Born: September 4th 1969 in Rome, Italy
Mitzi Gaynor
Born: September 4th 1931 in Chicago, United States
Noah Taylor
Born: September 4th 1969 in London, England
Patricia Tallman
Born: September 4th 1957 in Pontiac, United States
Paul Mooney
Born: September 4th 1941 in Shreveport, United States
Phill Lewis
Born: September 4th 1968 in Arua, Uganda
Ruby Stokes
Born: September 4th 2000 in Hackney, England
Wes Bentley
Born: September 4th 1978 in Jonesboro, United States
Zachary Abel
Born: September 4th 1980 in Middletown, United States

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