Celebrities Born on November 7th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on November 7th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Adam Devine
Born: November 7th 1983 in Waterloo, United States
Al Hirt
Born: November 7th 1922 in New Orleans, United States
Ann Lynn
Born: November 7th 1933 in Fulham, London, England
Billy Graham
Born: November 7th 1918 in Charlotte, United States
Christopher Knight
Born: November 7th 1957 in New York City, United States
Dana Plato
Born: November 7th 1964 in Maywood, United States
Earl Boen
Born: November 7th 1945 in New York City, United States
Edith Bouvier Beale
Born: November 7th 1917 in New York City, United States
Jason London
Born: November 7th 1972 in San Diego, United States
Jeremy London
Born: November 7th 1972 in San Diego, United States
John Aylward
Born: November 7th 1946 in Seattle, United States
Joni Mitchell
Born: November 7th 1943 in Fort Macleod, Canada
Kiran Rao
Born: November 7th 1973 in Gadwal, India
Lindsay Duncan
Born: November 7th 1950 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Born: November 7th 1996 in Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand
Marie Salomea Skłodowska–Curie
Born: November 7th 1867 in Warsaw, Poland
Melissa Bell
Born: November 7th 1972 in Sidney, Australia
Michael Papajohn
Born: November 7th 1964 in Birmingham, United States
Michelle Clunie
Born: November 7th 1969 in Portland, United States
Morgan Spurlock
Born: November 7th 1970 in Parkersburg, United States
Rachele Brooke Smith
Born: November 7th 1987 in Flagstaff, United States
Shannon Whirry
Born: November 7th 1964 in Green Lake, United States
Simone Kessell
Born: November 7th 1975 in Auckland, New Zealand
Sophia Ali
Born: November 7th 1995 in San Diego, United States
Tao Ruspoli
Born: November 7th 1975 in Bangkok, Thailand
Yunjin Kim
Born: November 7th 1973 in Seoul, South Korea

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