Celebrities Born on March 19th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on March 19th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Abby Brammell
Born: March 19th 1979 in BF-Nowhere, United States
Bruce Willis
Born: March 19th 1955 in Idar-Oberstein, Germany
Caylee Cowan
Born: March 19th 1998 in Los Angeles, United States
Clarence Frogman Henry
Born: March 19th 1937 in New Orleans, United States
Connor Trinneer
Born: March 19th 1969 in Walla Walla, United States
Craig Lamar Traylor
Born: March 19th 1989 in San Bernardino County, United States
Ebon Moss-Bachrach
Born: March 19th 1977 in New York, United States
Fred Berry
Born: March 19th 1951 in St. Louis, United States
Glenn Close
Born: March 19th 1947 in Greenwich, United States
Harvey Weinstein
Born: March 19th 1952 in Flushing, United States
Henry Morgentaler
Born: March 19th 1923 in Łódź, Poland
Jake Weber
Born: March 19th 1964 in London, England
Jorma Taccone
Born: March 19th 1977 in Berkeley, United States
Patrick McGoohan
Born: March 19th 1928 in Astoria, New York City, United States
Rachel Blanchard
Born: March 19th 1976 in Toronto, Canada
Renee Taylor
Born: March 19th 1933 in New York, United States
Sirhan Sirhan
Born: March 19th 1944 in Jerusalem, Palestine
Terry Hall
Born: March 19th 1959 in Coventry, England
Tige Andrews
Born: March 19th 1920 in Brooklyn, United States
Ursula Andress
Born: March 19th 1936 in Ostermundigen, Switzerland
Virginia Williams
Born: March 19th 1978 in Memphis, United States
Yolanthe Cabau
Born: March 19th 1985 in Ibiza, Spain

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