Celebrities Born on August 19th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on August 19th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Adam Arkin
Born: August 19th 1956 in Brooklyn, United States
Adam Campbell
Born: August 19th 1980 in Bath, England
Ahmed Best
Born: August 19th 1973 in New York City, United States
Anthony Sowell
Born: August 19th 1959 in Columbus, United States
Bill Clinton
Born: August 19th 1946 in Hope, United States
Bill Shoemaker
Born: August 19th 1931 in Fabens, United States
Brooke Mueller
Born: August 19th 1977 in Palm Beach, United States
Callum Blue
Born: August 19th 1977 in London, England
Erika Christensen
Born: August 19th 1982 in Seattle, United States
Ethan Cutkosky
Born: August 19th 1999 in St. Charles, United States
Gerald McRaney
Born: August 19th 1947 in Collins, United States
Ginger Baker
Born: August 19th 1939 in South London, England
Isabel Gravitt
Born: August 19th 2003 in Los Angeles, United States
Jill St. John
Born: August 19th 1940 in Los Angeles, United States
John Stamos
Born: August 19th 1963 in Cypress, United States
Jonathan Frakes
Born: August 19th 1952 in Bethlehem, United States
Kevin Dillon
Born: August 19th 1965 in Mamaroneck, United States
Kyra Sedgwick
Born: August 19th 1965 in New York City, United States
L. Q. Jones
Born: August 19th 1927 in Beaumont, United States
Manny Jacinto
Born: August 19th 1987 in Manila, Philippines
Maria de Medeiros
Born: August 19th 1965 in Lisbon, Portugal
Martin Donovan
Born: August 19th 1957 in Reseda, United States
Matthew Glave
Born: August 19th 1963 in Saginaw, United States
Matthew Perry ONDCP White House - Frame Grab - Smile
Matthew Perry
Born: August 19th 1969 in Williamstown, United States
Melissa Fumero
Born: August 19th 1982 in Lyndhurst, United States
Michelle Borth
Born: August 19th 1978 in New York City, United States
Orville Wright
Born: August 19th 1871 in Dayton, United States
Peter Gallagher
Born: August 19th 1955 in New York City, United States
Richard Simmons
Born: August 19th 1913 in Saint Paul, United States
Siena Agudong
Born: August 19th 2004 in Kauai, United States
Story Musgrave
Born: August 19th 1935 in Boston, United States
Tammin Sursok
Born: August 19th 1983 in Johannesburg, South Africa
Tipper Gore
Born: August 19th 1948 in Washington, United States
Tracie Thoms
Born: August 19th 1975 in Baltimore, United States
Travis Tedford
Born: August 19th 1988 in Rockwall, United States

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