Celebrities Born in 1903

This is a summary the celebs who were born in 1903. If you notice that we missed a celebrity birth, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Aliza Sommer-Herz
Born: November 26th 1903 in Prague, Austria
Benjamin Spock
Born: May 2nd 1903 in New Haven, United States
Bing Crosby
Born: May 2nd 1903 in Tacoma, United States
Bob Hope
Born: May 29th 1903 in Eltham, London, England
Claudette Colbert
Born: September 13th 1903 in Saint-Mandé, France
Lou Gehrig
Born: June 19th 1903 in Yorkville, United States
Mark Rothko
Born: September 25th 1903 in Daugavpils, Lativa
Mike Mansfield
Born: March 16th 1903 in New York City, United States
Roy Acuff
Born: September 15th 1903 in Maynardville, United States
Ward Bond
Born: April 9th 1903 in Benkelman, United States

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