Celebrities Who Died in 1992

This is a summary list of the famous people that passed away in 1992. If you notice that we missed a celebrity that died in 1992, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Anthony Perkins
Died: September 12th 1992 in Los Angeles, United States
Beatrice Schy
Died: November 11th 1992 in ,
Dick York
Died: February 20th 1992 in East Grand Rapids, United States
Hal Roach
Died: November 2nd 1992 in Bel Air, Los Angeles, United States
Marlene Dietrich
Died: May 6th 1992 in Paris, France
Nancy Walker
Died: March 25th 1992 in Studio City, United States
Robert Reed
Died: May 12th 1992 in Pasadena, United States
Roy Acuff
Died: November 23rd 1992 in Nashville, United States
Sam Kinison
Died: April 10th 1992 in Needles, United States
Sam Walton
Died: April 5th 1992 in Little Rock, United States
Shirley Booth
Died: October 16th 1992 in North Chatham, United States
Todd Armstrong
Died: November 17th 1992 in Butte City, United States

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