Celebrities Born on February 25th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on February 25th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alexis Denisof
Born: February 25th 1966 in Salisbury, United States
Anson Mount
Born: February 25th 1973 in White Bluff, United States
Bobby Riggs
Born: February 25th 1918 in Los Angeles, United States
Carrot Top
Born: February 25th 1965 in Rockledge, United States
Chelsea Handler
Born: February 25th 1975 in Livingston, United States
Dickie Jones
Born: February 25th 1927 in Snyder, United States
Enrico Caruso
Born: February 25th 1873 in Napes, Italy
Isabelle Fuhrman
Born: February 25th 1997 in Washington, United States
Jameela Jamil
Born: February 25th 1986 in Hampstead, London, England
James Phelps
Born: February 25th 1986 in Birmingham, England
Justin Berfield
Born: February 25th 1986 in Agoura Hills, United States
Karen Grassle
Born: February 25th 1942 in Berkeley, United States
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo
Born: February 25th 1981 in Guadalajara, Mexico
Neil Jordan
Born: February 25th 1950 in Sligo, Ireland
Ralph Stanley
Born: February 25th 1927 in Big Spraddle Creek, United States
Rashida Jones
Born: February 25th 1976 in Los Angeles, United States
Sean Astin
Born: February 25th 1971 in Santa Monica, United States
Téa Leoni
Born: February 25th 1966 in New York City, United States
Tommy Newsom
Born: February 25th 1929 in Portsmouth, United States
Tyler Sanders
Born: February 25th 2004 in Weston, United States
Zeppo Marx
Born: February 25th 1901 in New York City, United States

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