Celebrities Born in 1906

This is a summary the celebs who were born in 1906. If you notice that we missed a celebrity birth, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Albert Hofmann
Born: January 11th 1906 in Baden, Switzerland
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Born: June 22nd 1906 in Englewood, United States
Bruce Bennett
Born: May 16th 1906 in Tacoma, United States
Dale Messick
Born: April 11th 1906 in South Bend, United States
Eddie Albert
Born: April 22nd 1906 in Rock Island, United States
Henny Youngman
Born: March 16th 1906 in London, England
Jack Churchill
Born: September 16th 1906 in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Joan Hickson
Born: August 5th 1906 in Kingsthorpe, England
Lou Costello
Born: March 6th 1906 in Paterson, United States
Ozzie Nelson
Born: March 20th 1906 in Jersey City, United States
Robert Trent Jones
Born: June 20th 1906 in Ince-in-Makerfield, England
Thelma Todd
Born: July 29th 1906 in Lawrence, United States
Vincent Sherman
Born: July 16th 1906 in Vienna, United States

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