Celebrities Born in 1909

This is a summary the celebs who were born in 1909. If you notice that we missed a celebrity birth, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Albert R. Broccoli
Born: April 5th 1909 in New York City, United States
Ann Sothern
Born: January 22nd 1909 in Valley City, United States
Barry Goldwater
Born: January 2nd 1909 in Phoenix, United States
Burl Ives
Born: June 14th 1909 in Hunt City, United States
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Born: December 9th 1909 in New York City, United States
Elia Kazan
Born: September 7th 1909 in Istanbul, Turkey
Errol Flynn
Born: June 20th 1909 in Battery Point, Australia
Eudora Welty
Born: April 13th 1909 in Jackson, United States
Fred Perry
Born: May 18th 1909 in Stockport, England
George Beverly Shea
Born: February 1st 1909 in Winchester, Canada
Jessica Tandy
Born: June 7th 1909 in Stoke Newington, London, England
Peter W. Rodino
Born: June 7th 1909 in Newark, United States

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