Celebrities Who Died from Emphysema

This is a summary the celebrities who were died from Emphysema. If you notice that we missed a famous person who passed away from Emphysema, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Bill Cowsill
Died: February 18th 2006 in Calgary, Canada
David Lynch
Died: January 15th 2025 in Los Angeles, United States
Dean Martin
Died: December 25th 1995 in Beverly Hills, United States
Del Close
Died: March 4th 1999 in Chicago, United States
Dick York
Died: February 20th 1992 in East Grand Rapids, United States
Gene Tierney
Died: November 6th 1991 in Houston, United States
Guy Madison
Died: February 6th 1996 in Palm Springs, United States
Herb Edelman
Died: July 21st 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
Jerry Reed
Died: August 31st 2008 in Nashville, United States
Johnny Carson
Died: January 23rd 2005 in Los Angeles, United States
Philip Baker Hall
Died: June 12th 2022 in Glendale, United States
Ronald Colman
Died: May 19th 1958 in Santa Barbara, United States
Sammi Smith
Died: February 12th 2005 in Oklahoma City, United States
T. S. Eliot
Died: January 4th 1965 in London, England
Walter Brennan
Died: September 21st 1974 in Oxnard, United States

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