Celebrities Who Died from Pulmonary embolism

This is a summary the celebrities who were died from Pulmonary embolism. If you notice that we missed a famous person who passed away from Pulmonary embolism, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Charlie Rich
Died: July 25th 1995 in Hammond, United States
Dan Blocker
Died: May 13th 1972 in Los Angeles, United States
Dennis Farina
Died: July 22nd 2013 in Scottsdale, United States
Derrick Thomas
Died: February 8th 2000 in Miami, United States
Frida Kahlo
Died: July 13th 1954 in Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico
Garry Shandling
Died: March 24th 2016 in Los Angeles, United States
James Stewart
Died: July 2nd 1997 in Beverly Hills, United States
John Pinette
Died: April 5th 2014 in Pittsburgh, United States
Shelby Foote
Died: June 29th 2005 in Memphis, United States
Tammy Wynette
Died: April 6th 1998 in Nashville, United States
Windell Middlebrooks
Died: March 9th 2015 in Los Angeles, United States

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