Celebrities Born on January 14th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on January 14th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Andy Rooney
Born: January 14th 1919 in Albany, United States
Carl Weathers
Born: January 14th 1948 in New Orleans, United States
Dan Schneider
Born: January 14th 1964 in Memphis, United States
David Grohl
Born: January 14th 1969 in Warren, United States
Don Garlits
Born: January 14th 1932 in Tampa, United States
Emily Watson
Born: January 14th 1967 in Islington, England
Erin O'Brien
Born: January 14th 1934 in Los Angeles, United States
Faye Dunaway
Born: January 14th 1941 in Bascom, United States
Hal Roach
Born: January 14th 1892 in Elmira, United States
Harold Shipman
Born: January 14th 1946 in Nottingham, England
Holland Taylor
Born: January 14th 1943 in Philadelphia, United States
Jack Jones
Born: January 14th 1938 in Hollywood, United States
Jason Bateman
Born: January 14th 1969 in Rye, United States
Jordan Ladd
Born: January 14th 1975 in Hollywood, United States
Kelly McCormack
Born: January 14th 1997 in Vancouver, Canada
Kerri Green
Born: January 14th 1967 in Fort Lee, United States
Kevin Durand
Born: January 14th 1974 in Thunder Bay, Canada
Kevin L Groenevelt
Born: January 14th 1954 in Gand Haven, United States
Kuno Becker
Born: January 14th 1978 in Mexico City, Mexico
L L Cool J
Born: January 14th 1968 in Bay Shore, United States
Mark Addy
Born: January 14th 1964 in York, England
Nancy Morgan
Born: January 14th 1949 in Las Vegas, United States
Rob Hall
Born: January 14th 1961 in Christchurch, New Zealand
Tillie Olsen
Born: January 14th 1912 in Wahoo, United States
Vernee Watson-Johnson
Born: January 14th 1954 in Trenton, United States
Zach Gilford
Born: January 14th 1982 in Evanston, United States

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