Celebrities Born in 1908

This is a summary the celebs who were born in 1908. If you notice that we missed a celebrity birth, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Alistair Cooke
Born: November 20th 1908 in Salford, England
Bette Davis
Born: April 5th 1908 in Lowell, United States
Buddy Ebsen
Born: April 2nd 1908 in Belleville, United States
Carl Albert
Born: May 10th 1908 in McAlester, United States
Carole Lombard
Born: October 6th 1908 in Fort Wayne, United States
Claude Levi-Strauss
Born: November 28th 1908 in Brussels, Belgium
Don Ameche
Born: May 31st 1908 in Kenosha, United States
Ethel Merman
Born: January 16th 1908 in Astoria, United States
Fred MacMurray
Born: August 30th 1908 in Kankakee, United States
Harry Blackmun
Born: November 12th 1908 in Nashville, United States
Herbert Hutner
Born: December 21st 1908 in New York City, United States
Imogene Coca
Born: November 18th 1908 in Philadelphia, United States
James Stewart
Born: May 20th 1908 in Indiana, United States
John Mills
Born: February 22nd 1908 in North Elmham, England
Lionel Hampton
Born: April 20th 1908 in Louisville, United States
Lupe Vélez
Born: July 18th 1908 in San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Lyndon B. Johnson
Born: August 27th 1908 in Stonewall, United States
Martha Gellhorn
Born: November 8th 1908 in St. Louis, United States
Mel Blanc
Born: May 30th 1908 in San Francisco, United States
Milton Berle
Born: July 12th 1908 in New York City, United States
Peg Entwistle
Born: February 5th 1908 in Port Talbot, England
Penny Singleton
Born: September 15th 1908 in Philadelphia, United States
Sylvester Pat Weaver
Born: December 21st 1908 in Los Angeles, United States
Walter Annenberg
Born: March 13th 1908 in Milwaukee, United States
Will Lee
Born: August 6th 1908 in New York City, United States

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