Celebrities Who Are/Were Authors

This is a summary list of the celebrities in our Author category. Browse our thousands of obituaries and find the Author who died today, yesterday, this week, this year or those who passed away recently.

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Judith Krantz
Born: January 9th 1928 in New York City, United States
Judith Ortiz Cofer
Born: February 24th 1952 in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico
Julia Cameron
Born: March 4th 1948 in Libertyville, United States
Kate Chopin
Born: February 8th 1850 in St. Louis, United States
Kay Parker
Born: August 28th 1944 in Birmingham, England
Kurt Vonnegut
Born: November 11th 1922 in Indianapolis, United States
Leon Uris
Born: August 3rd 1924 in Baltimore, United States
Margaret Atwood
Born: November 18th 1939 in Ottawa, Canada
Margaret Trudeau
Born: September 10th 1948 in Vancouver, Canada
Martin Amis
Born: August 25th 1949 in Oxford, England
Maya Angelou
Born: April 4th 1928 in St. Louis, United States
Mayra Dias Gomes
Born: December 15th 1987 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Michael Crichton
Born: October 23rd 1942 in Chicago, United States
Michael Pollan
Born: February 6th 1955 in Long Island, United States
Milan Kundera
Born: April 1st 1929 in Brno, Czechoslovakia
Ned Vizzini
Born: April 4th 1981 in New York City, United States
Nicholas Rhea
Born: May 18th 1936 in Glaisdale, England
Norman Bridwell
Born: February 15th 1928 in Kokomo, United States
Patti Davis
Born: October 21st 1952 in Los Angeles, United States
Patty Hearst
Born: February 20th 1954 in San Francisco, United States
Peter Benchley
Born: May 8th 1940 in New York City, United States
Poppy Z Brite
Born: May 25th 1967 in New Orleans, United States
Ram Dass
Born: April 6th 1931 in Boston, United States
Robert Cormier
Born: June 14th 1989 in Toronto, Canada
Robert Ludlum
Born: May 25th 1927 in New York City, United States
Salman Rushdie
Born: June 19th 1947 in Bombay, India
Sarah Louise Delany
Born: September 19th 1889 in Lynch Station, United States
Sonny Barger
Born: October 8th 1938 in Modesto, United States
Sophie Gregoire
Born: April 24th 1975 in Montreal, United States
Stan Berenstain
Born: September 29th 1923 in Philadelphia, United States
Stan Lee
Born: December 28th 1922 in New York City, United States
Stephen E. Ambrose
Born: January 10th 1936 in Decatur, United States
Stephen King
Born: September 21st 1947 in Portland, United States
Suzanne Collins
Born: August 10th 1962 in Hartford, United States
T Berry Brazelton
Born: May 10th 1918 in Waco, United States
Tillie Olsen
Born: January 14th 1912 in Wahoo, United States
Tipper Gore
Born: August 19th 1948 in Washington, United States
Tom Clancy
Born: April 12th 1947 in Baltimore County, United States
Toni Cade Bambara
Born: March 25th 1939 in New York City, United States
Truman Capote
Born: September 30th 1924 in New Orleans, United States
Twinkle Khanna
Born: December 29th 1974 in Pune, India
Veronica De Laurentiis
Born: January 13th 1950 in Rome, Italy
Wilbert Awdry
Born: June 15th 1911 in Ampfield, England
William F. Buckley Jr.
Born: November 24th 1925 in New York City, United States
Xaviera Hollander
Born: June 15th 1943 in Soerabaia, Indonesia

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