Celebrities Who Died in 1996

This is a summary list of the famous people that passed away in 1996. If you notice that we missed a celebrity that died in 1996, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Abdus Salam
Died: November 27th 1996 in Oxford, United Kingdom
Albert R. Broccoli
Died: June 27th 1996 in Beverly Hills, United States
Amber Hagerman
Died: January 17th 1996 in Arlington, United States
Audrey Meadows
Died: February 3rd 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
Baba Vanga
Died: August 11th 1996 in Sofia, Bulgaria
Barbara Jordan
Died: January 17th 1996 in Austin, United States
Ben Johnson
Died: April 8th 1996 in Mesa, United States
Bill Monroe
Died: September 9th 1996 in Springfield, United States
Bradley Nowell
Died: May 25th 1996 in San Francisco, United States
Carl Sagan
Died: December 20th 1996 in Seattle, United States
Christopher Robin Milne
Died: April 20th 1996 in Totnes, United Kingdom
Claudette Colbert
Died: July 30th 1996 in Speightstown, Barbados
Dana Hill
Died: July 15th 1996 in Burbank, United States
Ella Fitzgerald
Died: June 15th 1996 in Beverly Hills, United States
Emilie Schenkl
Died: March 13th 1996 in Vienna, Austria
Eva Cassidy
Died: November 2nd 1996 in Bowie, United States
Frank Whittle
Died: August 8th 1996 in Columbia, United States
Gene Kelly
Died: February 2nd 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
George Burns
Died: March 9th 1996 in Beverly Hills, United States
Greer Garson
Died: April 6th 1996 in Dallas, United States
Greg Morris
Died: August 27th 1996 in Las Vegas, United Nations
Guy Madison
Died: February 6th 1996 in Palm Springs, United States
Herb Edelman
Died: July 21st 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
Jack Churchill
Died: March 8th 1996 in Surrey, England
Jack Nance
Died: December 30th 1996 in South Pasadena, United States
James Burke
Died: April 13th 1996 in Buffalo, United States
Joanne Dru
Died: September 10th 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
Jon Pertwee
Died: May 20th 1996 in Sherman, United States
JonBenét Ramsey
Died: December 25th 1996 in Boulder, United States
Juliet Prowse
Died: September 14th 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
Margaux Hemingway
Died: July 1st 1996 in Santa Monica, United States
Martin Balsam
Died: February 13th 1996 in Rome, Italy
McLean Stevenson
Died: February 15th 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
Minnie Pearl
Died: March 4th 1996 in Nashville, United States
Mohammed Najibullah
Died: September 27th 1996 in Kabul, Afghanistan
Nnamdi Azikiwe
Died: May 11th 1996 in Enugu, Nigeria
Ottis Toole
Died: September 15th 1996 in Raiford, United States
Pamela Lyndon Travers
Died: April 23rd 1996 in Chelsea, London, United Kingdom
Ray Combs
Died: June 2nd 1996 in Glendale, United States
Rob Hall
Died: May 11th 1996 in Mount Everest, Nepal
Spiro Agnew
Died: September 17th 1996 in Berlin, United States
Timothy Leary
Died: May 31st 1996 in Beverly Hills, United States
Tiny Tim
Died: November 30th 1996 in Minneapolis, United States
Tupac Shakur
Died: September 13th 1996 in Las Vegas, United States
Yaki Kadafi
Died: November 10th 1996 in City of Orange, United States

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